Waiting has always been my greatest enemy. Especially in a situation like this, where I do what little I can every morning, and then knowing that I have to leave the rest up to chance. It's nerve wrecking.
Only 42 more days!
As some of you may have noticed, that quote at the bottom of my blog, one of my favorites, is Mark Twain, he said "Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first." I always took from these words, that just because you feel entitled to something, doesn't mean you aren't going to have to give up everything that you have, everything that you are, to get it.
Some people have been asking me why I feel that the Universe is indebted to me, and why I think it should just hand me this great prize. Let me make something clear, I don't. That's a big part of the reason I am here everyday, pouring out my heart and mind. I figure it like this. Entering the sweepstakes is the only logical thing I can do, but just like a high school graduate with a 4.0 and excellent extra curricular activities, you have to 'Wow' them with your acceptance essay.
That's what this really is, my letter to Kismet. I may not be worthy, but I know that I want something, and I'm willing to fight for it, with every outlet I have available to me. If it wasn't for you lovely folks, I'd probably be writing this all down in a Journal somewhere. But here we are, same as everyday. Hoping for the best, expecting the worse. Except me, I'm expecting the best possible outcome. Because I would rather say I went all in and lost nothing, then I held back and possibly lost everything.
I can't look at this picture, and not see the absolute best possible outcome.
It's like someone walked into a waiting room and said "Raise your hand if you're in need." I raised mine, and no one else moved. "So the stranger said, here is you're salvation." When I opened my eyes, here was this house. Ready and waiting. Like it had been waiting for my family all along.
The reality of the matter, is this. Whether or not you believe, you should hope for the best. Because the best will find you, if you go looking for it. Oh, and I forgot to share one great little detail with you kind folks. Did you know that my middle name is...HOPE.
Brianna Hope Spirit. A hippie name? Sure why not? But my favorite name so far? You bet. I've always had the Brianna Hope part, but Spirit is new. <3
Phew...I feel like I just got done writing a graduation speech. That was a little preachy, even for me. So let's get back to the brass tacts shall we?
The next room on my list for a make over when we move in is....Drum Roll please...*BBBBdddddddddddrrrrrrrrr* The Living Room!
I've decided I have to cool this room down with a color other than yellow. BLEH
I love the textures and fabrics in the living room. The natural stone tables, the beautiful organic, yet modern art pieces. All very nice. But the color scheme is killing me in here. It's all gray's, neutrals, and YELLOW. Which is the color of the sun. My least favorite star, in all of the Universe. So, this is my solution. The yellow is incorporated through out the whole house, but more so in the living room, dinning room, and kitchen. It's a beautiful accent, but I can't live with just those colors. So these are the colors I'm hoping to incorporate into the area's. As well as some textures and pattern's I'm inspired by.
This is a plum that I would love to work in. It is my absolute favorite.
I loved this pattern, with chartreuse green, and brown. I think this green will compliment the little bit of yellow I'll leave behind. But better meld with the plum's and purples I hope to incorporate.
I love the idea of multi faceted textures.
A more solid Chartreuse, to replace some of the bold yellows.
A beautiful plum, in a leather for texture, and a modern twist. I love it!
I can't wait to put these ideas into action. I love this house. But it's definitely going to need some personal touches to make it feel like our home. And after all the awesome redecorations, and beautiful additions. It will be our friends and family at our 'House Warming' party, that will really turn that space into a home.
Until Then And Always,
Hopeful Mother. Of. Madison.