Some of you may have noticed that a lot of my focus on the house has been centered around my daughter and the things I see and hope for her future. As a mother it's hard not to think of her first sometimes. Most of the time. Ok, ok all of the time. But she is after all here because of me. Oh yea, and my husband of course. Which brings me to my passion of the day.
Early this morning I was looking at some of our wedding pictures, and I thought to myself how wonderful it will finally be to have a place of our own. To have a space as a married couple, and as a family that we can call ours. A mantle to hang a wedding portrait, a beautiful kitchen in which to cook his anniversary dinners, counter space for vases of unexpected flowers he will bring home just because he loves me. What more of a reason do you men need?!
The big picture is this, I don's just see us being parents in this big beautiful home. I don't just see the family dinners, late night homework and smores. I see us in the background of all these amazing events in our daughters life. Falling more in love each day, learning to love the snow together, redecorating as our interests and local hobbies change.
Best of all, I see us growing old together. I see us waving our daughter off for college, and welcoming her back each holiday with open arms, I see us playing with our grandchildren in the yard. Hanging pictures of our travels and adventures now that our little ones are all grown up. Sitting hand in hand in front of the fireplace as we recall our younger years. Laughing and crying at all the right stories. I see my life unfolding with the people I love the most. And nothing could be more beautiful.
I've never wanted anything more in my entire life. Again I'd like to share with you my heart's desires...
A moment of bliss captured on film <3
Beautiful living room shelves just begging for portraits!
Not so private moments of blisss shared with loved ones?!
The perfect place to snuggle/or entertain...<3
And just for kicks...
plenty of eating!
What better place to eat...
This space, so physically far away from me. Has embedded it self so firmly in my state of mind, and in the deepest warmest places in my hearts. It was MADE to be inhabited by Madison, Everett, and I.
To be perfectly honest with you all,I just want what's best for my family. Because I know without a doubt that they deserve it more than anything. But more importantly, I BELIEVE that it's what they deserve. From the depths of my heart.
So for tonight ladies and gentleman, I simply want to leave you with this..."If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you." -Winnie The Pooh/ And from myself to my incredible loving husband.
I love you Everett Spirit. Everything I do I do for you, and the most beautiful gift you could have ever given me. Our amazing daughter. We move in, in T-minus 50 days hubby!
Until Then and Always,
Hopeful Mother. OF. Madison.
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