Saturday, April 30, 2011

Through a Child's Eyes

Madison and I just finished watching Beauty and the Beast and it reminded me of how easily we accept good things when we are children. We always hoped for the best, and even when something seemed far fetched, as long as it had a happy ending I was willing to believe. I remember I spent a entire summer in elementary school believing that if I wished hard enough I could be chosen to become a super hero, or a princess, anything with magical, or super human abilities really.

Princess, super hero, bad-ass, and she had a B.F that always wears Tuxedos. Win win win.

It wasn't until I got older that I started to believe you shouldn't want things that weren't guaranteed. That bad things were more likely to happen than good. It wasn't until I became an adult that I started thinking the bad things were easier to accept than the good.

The saying 'It's too good to be true.' never even crossed my mind as a child. If something seemed amazing and wonderful, and would bring myself or other people happiness why couldn't it happen? Sure part of this behavior could be contributed to the fact that I was a Disney child. But that doesn't change the fact that as children we believe in all possibilities of the world, in all the good. Somewhere along the way we loose that. We become cynical  Some may say realistic. But realistically speaking, all of the dreams we let go of as adults, aren't impossible. We were just too afraid to put our selves out there and go for it.

One of my biggest goals in life will be too assure Madison that she is wonderful, and amazing, and she can have whatever she is willing to work for.

Madison already loves to dace, I wonder if she will stick with it. <3

Hopefully that point will be easy to instill in her because her father and I will be happy, comfortable and dedicating more time to the growth and accomplishments of our daughter, then stressing about paying the bills, or making due.

Hopefully come June we will have a home. In a beautiful community where we can raise our daughter with all of these important life lessons, and many more.

Until Then and Always,
Hopeful Mother. Of. Madison.

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